
“Be careful who hears your voice or it may just be your very last performance.” A warning to musicien in their journey toward inspiration.
Since ancient times, the ocean has always been a danger to sailors. Some legends even talk of it being the door to the mirror world where terrifying monsters reside. To protect their ship from sea creatures they would have a talented bard on board hoping to appease the creature lurking below. It was said that most aquatic beasts were charmed by music, which made the sailors' journey smoother toward their destination. But unfortunately for them some aquatic creatures like to keep talent for themselve.
Like the Kūqìshīrén also called the weeping poet. Such creatures have the upper body of a human and the lower part of an eel. They are known to enjoy music but unlike other merfolk have no talent for it. Their voices are known to be crackling and painful to hear. Jealous of their lack of musical ability, they go around lurking in the shadows hoping to get an angelic voice for themselves to keep.
Once they find a voice to their liking, they would try to lure it away from its protector. Having a scary physique difficult to trust, they would use someone else to charm their prey. they would do so by poisoning a potential lure with their sharp claw. Only a little scratch can be fatal to any medium creature coming in contact with them without the antidote. Hoping to survive the lure won't have any other choice than to follow the eel instruction.
Once their angelic muse is in their grasp they would electrocute them to sleep. The prey now unconscious, they would finish business with their lure and get back to their new voice. They would open their jaw fully showing their giant pointy teeth forward and start placing the poor morsel in their hungry jaws.
When the prey wakes from its slumber, the sight of terror will fill their lungs. It would start screaming and struggling in fear hoping to free itself from its captor. Enjoying the musical performance just for them, the Kūqìshīrén will amusingly slide more of their new melody in their giant maw using their webbing hand to keep it pin in place. Their forward teeth would make it painfully difficult for the prey to move any other direction than their awaiting throat.

They would enjoy the angelic scream of their prey all the way down giving it a few electric boosts to increase its lovely performance. Once the prey head is completely engulfed in their anticipating maw, the Kūqìshīrén would start moving toward the water. Giving her voice one last sight before their intimate second act began, away from all to appreciate but them.