
Do not get fool by its innocent act or its laugh will be the last thing you will hear before becoming its snack.
A warning to adventurers of not judging a threat by its look and demeanour. Like the Hupojianyu, also call the amber prison. It is a cute salamander-like
creature that seems at first glance innocent and harmless. People crossing it pass would see its funny waddling and its cute little squeak and judge it to be
harmless. A playful creature looking for some company, sometimes even acting like a playful dog.
But such a whimsical amphibian is nothing but harmless. Secretly hidden in its belly is a sap like substance that will bring the downfall of its prey. Once the prey comes in contact with the liquid, the sticky substance will crystallize and lock the prey in place. The hard amber-like confinement will make it impossible for the prey to move freely for its escape. Which will make it easy for the small creature to completely cover the prey head to toe in its new prison.
The amber-like prison being such a strong material, will freeze the prey in place incapable to move an inch. Only capable of looking at it captor happy dance. The crystal around the prey doesn't just stop its escape but also stop any other
predator from getting to it. This way the Hupojianyu can hide away against any danger in the area while keeping it prey safe from another one gullet. The shell being hard and of an unappetizing taste, would dissuade any predator from
stealing its catch.
This salamander doesn't look as much at first glance but is actually very strong. Capable of dragging three times its weight. Once the surrounding is secure, it will start dragging the prey to its lair, stopping when feeling a threat nearby. Its lair situated in a cave underwater, it will drag the prison near the water area. Even submerged, the amber would keep the prey intact along their journey
underwater showing a brand new aspect of its captor. Its waddling movement in the jungle is now replaced by grace and control.
Once at its lair, the creature will drag the prison out of the water into its cave. Happy with its exploit, it will get ready for its feast, opening its jaw wide to get some of the amber down. The prison being more that his body can take it will have to use its inner heat to melt the prison away from its meal. Such action takes the salamander a long time to do, taking sometime a full day before most of the prey prison is melted, replacing it by its starving flesh.

The prey having no way of fighting back can only watch while more of its body gets stuffed inside its captor. The amber liquefying around him yet incapable to do anything but to hear the salamander fighting squeak forcing its meal down its gullet. Only capable of putting off a fight once fully taken in the flesh prison where its protest will be enjoyed by the purred amphibian.