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Nightmares are an ancient race said to be born from the wickedness of Gaîa’s children. No souls have ever seen the true appearance of those chaotic beings, ending up only seeing the shell they were hiding in at that time.

They have a special ability giving them influence into a creature's mind. Feeding more and more of their wickedness to the creature while absorbing their fear and sadness. The weaker the core of the soul, the easier it is for them to control. Once the core has been completely submerged in the nightmare’s malice, it becomes nothing but a mindless puppet to their collection. 

They can be recognized by the giant zipper opening from their host chest ending to their lower belly hiding a dimension of madness and chaos within. There the

nightmare hides all its favourite toys, all souls from different races to whom they got attached and who succumbed to their wickedness. Using them to corrupt even more souls.

None know how many exist but three. Their given name illustrates the human sin which they love corrupting souls with being Gluttony, Envy and Wrath. Each is as scary as the next, loving to create chaos wherever they venture.

They are known to offer deals with anyone who would dare accept them. Answering any questions a soul would be looking for in exchange for a small fee in return. But none of those services end up being fair as they always find ways to twist and turn the answer into more questions. Making the soul have to give more and more to pay the fee of the service mostly ending with losing most of their sanity in the process. 

It takes a lot of wits to fool a nightmare even more to surprise them. Whoever

manages such an exploit ends up becoming an interest to the creature and a new toy for them to break.

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